Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Help

Here comes another favorite :)

The Help, was really touching.. It definitely had lots of touching moments and I cried a lot! It really opened the audiences' eyes to see how hard it was to live as a black maid back then.

I just couldnt stand it to see how bad those white people treated them.. And very amazed by Skeeter and Celia as well. They're so kind and very generous and loooooooooved Celia's last scene! :''''''')

I loved it! Loved every scene :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Win Win!


I know. Long time.

I just watched really few movies these past months (especially since the start of high school) and the last movie I watched that was REALLY good to me was Crazy Stupid Love.. (and thats a looong long time ago)

But today I watched Win Win.
And I'm happy.

Because it's been a long time since I watched a feel-good movie :)
I love it.. I love it!!!!!! And its sorta funny because I actually already have the Win Win movie file for a well pretty long time bout what? 6 months I think.. But never actually had enough interest in playing the file.. Until today. Until I got bored and thought 'Why not?'

I love every single thing in it... The story the characters and the jokes!!! I actually laughed to an american movie!!!! I dont do that often! Haha

It's a very good movie.. Heartwarming!