Friday, December 28, 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

When I first saw this movie on IMDB's top 250 list, I was like "Wbat? A new teenage movie? 8.3? Really? I gotta see this." Because you know, the usual teenage movies are cheesy, melancholic and SO fraught with hyperbolic drama. 

But the movies isn't like the usual others.As quirky as the title may sounds, I think that the movie is also quirky. Although the story of the main character is somewhat cliche (you know, that type of invisible kid who finds trouble in making friends blablabla), but the plot itself is very genuine. And you know, what I like the most about it is the way the movie portrays freedom, portrays youth, and oh well, the way it portrays vita, life.

I would say that this movie is beautifully quirky.. And I love the music score!


Life of Pi

VISUAL: SUPERB!!!! The plot too but the visual really takes over. Life of Pi leaves me a big question in the end, which until today, I could not answer. You know how they say 'movies that make you think' but.. No. Oh wait. I wouldnt get your expectations high! Just see it for yourelf hehe!


5 cm

IMDB | Trailer

It's the first time I cried because the movie is SO GOOD. I don't know.. whether it is really good or it just meets my expectation and I am completely gratified by it. 


Habibie & Ainun

IMDB | Trailer

I think the movie is sort of weird..? Really I have no idea too why I don't really like this movie so much.. I cried to it though! It is an absolute sad one. But I think the movie is too ordinary. Just like, only that. Nothing more and nothing less.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

So guys I actually have watched pretty many movies these last months but only a few that really seized my interest.. So the movies that I'm gonna put here are only the ones that did.

Here we go..

1. Moonrise Kingdom
2. A Separation
3. Skyfall

Those are the movies that I like..(that I remember)
Sorry for not commenting about those movies.. I just cant help not to jump to this one:

4. Dogville

I just watched it this morning and boy wasn't the movie marvelous. The 3 hour duration didn't even make me once yawned. Dogville is an entrancing illustration about human's repugnant behavior. Love every second of it.. It did seem strange the first minutes with the weird place and everything but who cares bout it if the movie also offers an alluring plot? Certainly into my favorites!!!
OH MY GOD!!!!!

Finally I can get into my own blog after months of 'shit i dont remember my email!'

Hehehehe heavily excited and cant wait to share my recent movie reviews!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

(Review) We Bought a Zoo

Benjamin Mee is a writer whose wife has died six months ago. When her son gets expelled and he quist his job, he moves miles away to a very large house, with a zoo attached. And the story follows his adventure to re open the zoo.

It's a marvelous family movie and very funny as well. I enjoyed it very much it has real funny jokes in it and enough portions of conflicts. This is a very, very good movie I highly suggest you to watch it too!!!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Help

Here comes another favorite :)

The Help, was really touching.. It definitely had lots of touching moments and I cried a lot! It really opened the audiences' eyes to see how hard it was to live as a black maid back then.

I just couldnt stand it to see how bad those white people treated them.. And very amazed by Skeeter and Celia as well. They're so kind and very generous and loooooooooved Celia's last scene! :''''''')

I loved it! Loved every scene :)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Win Win!


I know. Long time.

I just watched really few movies these past months (especially since the start of high school) and the last movie I watched that was REALLY good to me was Crazy Stupid Love.. (and thats a looong long time ago)

But today I watched Win Win.
And I'm happy.

Because it's been a long time since I watched a feel-good movie :)
I love it.. I love it!!!!!! And its sorta funny because I actually already have the Win Win movie file for a well pretty long time bout what? 6 months I think.. But never actually had enough interest in playing the file.. Until today. Until I got bored and thought 'Why not?'

I love every single thing in it... The story the characters and the jokes!!! I actually laughed to an american movie!!!! I dont do that often! Haha

It's a very good movie.. Heartwarming!