If I had my favorite Indonesian movies list, I would so gonna put this one on the top of it
It's funny, sad, and it smartly satirizes the corruptors of this country.
It describes the condition of our country very well. The high criminalities, the lack of jobs, and the people's strong belief in mistic things.
This is a movie that our officials of this country should watch.
This, is a movie that everyone should watch.
Well done Deddy Mizwar. Thumbs up.
"Mereka hanya mencari rezeki yang halal. Dan cuma itu yang mereka bisa"
"Ini aturan! Nggak boleh ngemis, nggak boleh ngasong! Ganggu lalu lintas, tau?"
"Kalian terganggu dengan pengemis dan pengasong, tapi nggak terganggu dengan ulah para koruptor yang memiskinkan kalian!"
"Kan koruptor nggak ganggu lalu lintas"
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