Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sokola Rimba

Hi everyone! GOSH it's been long. Sorry. I haven't watched quite many movies lately.. But! I just watched one that really touched my heart and I want to share it here!

(Switched language) (Lol)

Judul filmnya Sokola Rimba. Ceritanya tentang seorang wanita yang mengabdikan hidupnya mengajar anak-anak di daerah pedalaman Jambi setelah lulus kuliah. Ya pokoknya inti ceritanya itu. Dan bagus banget. Berharga setiap rupiah. Parah! Film ini membuat gw konstan nangis. Sepanjang film gw nangis tapi masih nangis yang bisa ditahan gitu (tapi kayaknya gak sesedih itu sih.. abis cm gw yg nangis. mungkin gw yg lebay)

Dan pas filmnya abis, baru gw nangis parah. Sampe bioskop sepi baru gw bisa keluar. Malu bgt sih. Tp bodo amat lah mengharukan parah bos filmnya. Efek film ini mirip sama kayak efek film 5cm ke gw: Mereka membakar gw dengan semangat akan membuat perubahan. Abis ntn 5cm gw jg nangis parah soalnya wkwkw (udah gitu besoknya gw emang mau naik gunung. jd kyk pas gt d)

Ahhhh.. Terima kasih Mira Lesmana dan Riri Riza yang telah mengangkat cerita ini ke layar. I can never thank you enough!!!! //berasakenal

Sehabis nonton film ini pun, gw melayangkan e-mail ke pihak Sokola Rimba, menanyakan apakah gw bisa jadi pengajar selama 1 bulan di bulan Januari.. (wakakak maksa) Tapi blm dibales sampe skrg.. Huf..

Ah! Intinya gw super seneng ada film ini dan berharap lebih banyakkkkkkkk lagi orang yang nonton dan terinspirasi sama filmnya.

Salam rimba all.... !

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Now You See Me

I think I might die of too much awesomeness. That's all. In the first 30 seconds, I knew that I was so gonna love this movie. 

And I did. I love it. Movies like this are always attractive to me. 


Sunday, June 9, 2013


I am so in love.

The cinematography is awesome I felt like screen capturing every scene. The story itself is beautifully portrayed and weird enough, the movie is -although a psychological thriller- calming in some ways.. Aaand also the movie doesnt have much of violence so you dont need to be scared.. 


Warm Bodies

I just love, love the concept. The romantic relationship between a human and a zombie (what?!!!!)
Sounds weird yeah but it's the charm.

It has a very interesting plot and although I'm never a zombie person, I actually like this one. Some parts in it are sometimes illogical though.. But anyway! It still is a very good movie and I recommend you to watch it!


Monday, April 1, 2013

You're the Apple of My Eye

Actually the basic plot is not too unique.. I mean, come on, the concept of 'not so popular girl in love with the badass of the school' is SO cliche right. But the way the movie brings that cliche concept to a more realistic way really distinguishes the movie from the others. I just love how the movie tells the phases we overcome in life.. High school, university, and marriage. Love it!

And man, the soundtracks are very good too. 

You can watch the movie right now on Youtube!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

A Werewolf Boy

The movie actually reminds me of Twilight.. But of course, way way WAY better. Typical korean romantic drama movies, it very much touches the heart.. Very.. I'm still in tears right now! 


Friday, March 29, 2013

The First Time

Nothing special really. The lead guy is  pretty hot though so.. that's a plus? 
